版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本
Have you ever asked yourself what bacterial life would look like if it was reduced to a simple numbers game? Well ask no more!
In the Game of LIfe cells live, die and multiply according to the rules:
- If a cell has less than 2 neighbours it dies of loneliness.
- If a cell has more than 3 neighbours it dies of overcrowding.
- If an empty spot has exactly 3 neighbours a new cell is born
That's it. These populations are governed only by their relationships with each other.
- Change the rules for survival, death and rebirth
- Step through the generations one by one, or go full speed at 30 generations / second
- Make next generation visible ahead of time
- Save creations to show to all your friends (your Mom) later
- Hours and hours of scintillating prose (5-10 minute read)
- Code your own enhancements!
This app is open source! Come by the GitHub repository and show off your mad coding skillz. (https://github.com/heslihop/Conways-Game-of-Life-for-Android)